
Device managementDevice

End product certificate

In the frame of the Sigfox Ready Certification program, devices undergo a performance assessment at partner labs. These end-products are then granted a Sigfox Ready certificate number. This certificate number allows quick and easy access to crucial information, such as device model, emission class, etc.

Any device registered on the backend without this number is considered as a prototype.

It is require to enter the Sigfox Product certificate when registering devices on the backend, and Sigfox is limiting the number of prototypes allowed to be registered. This is to ensure the highest quality support from Sigfox Operators to their partners and customers.

Adding a certificate number to an already registered device

Binding a certificate number to a previously registered device can be done simply by means of a text file or CSV file containing the appropriate information and injected on the backend via the Edit series feature.

In order to only add the certificate number to a device, here is the information to be put in the file: Device ID, <blank>, <blank>, <blank>, product certificate key, <blank>

For example:


You can also edit your device on device information page, individually with Edit button in the top right corner or in batch via API V2:

Sigfox Ready certified product registration handbook

Here is a brief handbook that might be useful when registering or editing devices:


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